4ePikanini's new Gen3

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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:37 am

went on a trail yesterday

https://www.pajeroclub.co.za/forum/view ... =37&t=1800


and took some photos early this morning at Fransmanshoek




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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:10 am

Driving through Meiringspoort






Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:32 am

Hey Pikanini,

Stop admiring your car and have a good look at some of the best folded rocks you are likely to see, ever!

Better watch that your new wife doesn't get jealous of your new red read.
Mine is jealous of my camp freezer, imagine how the poor girl must feel about my Pajero?
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 am

RoelfleRoux wrote:
Stop admiring your car and have a good look at some of the best folded rocks you are likely to see, ever!
hehe. I was admiring the rocks a lot and was also amazed at the road construction and cleanliness of the place. Truly an awesome place to drive through. I wanted to drive swartberg pass but time was pressing. Still gotta take a week or two with dad and drive all those passes down the coastline.

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:03 pm

Sweet ride!! Enjoy!!

2 stroke oil went in... what's that about??

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:13 am

PLEASE don't open the 2-stroke worm can again :twisted:

This topic has been dabated at length on various websites. Nobody seems to sit on the fence. You either believe that the fuel companies and motorcar companies have our best interest at heart and adding 2-stroke oil is deviant witch craft, or you believe those companies are money chasing capitalist extremists that want to destroy our cars so we can give them even more money and we need to add 2-stroke oil to foil their evil plans.

Basically, some people advocate the adding of 2-stroke oil with the diesel in a mixture of 1:200.
This should lubricate the whole diesel injection system (from the pump to the injectors) as well as the engine's intake system. The 2-stroke oil should also assist with burning away any carbon residue/deposits in the engine.

I even added 2-stroke oil to the petrol of my V6 motor on my last cross-country trip. Guess on which side of the fence I camp?


Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:11 am

Hi Roelf
Right got it!! Not another word!
My Paj is running terrible (not sure if you have seen my other post) so willing to try anything right now!!

Cheers Mick

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

Oh dear.... just read your other post.
Can't help thinking that the electronic "experts" have done a good job of ruining your poor Pajero.
I hope you get it sorted out.
Good luck
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:38 am

Marius, sure hope you are going to enjoy this one! My 2006 GLS Did has only 69000 km on the clock. Best car I ever bought!
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:27 pm

some updates

got beached on a rain water dirt road drain - slippery clay - and had to reinstall the bash plates as the mounting holes got ripped by the beach.

My oil pressure sensor failed behind the turbo nearly costing me the engine as it spewed oil out there (thank goodness for the low oil level sensor) - don't know if the sensor would have warned about low oil pressure
further discussion thread HERE

I took this pic just the other night - pity I had difficulty getting the focus right with the "mik and druk"

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