4ePikanini's new Gen3

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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:37 pm

I told them how to do the procedure based on the mitsu manual which only requires a unused diesel injector tube and the MUT-II tool.

I explained to the mecchie in detail as well.

The didn't want to do it as they can't give a guarantee - I said that's fine as I'm eliminating things to get rid of my smokey idle.

They said all they can do is take the pump and injectors out and send to allan black for testing/recon and send it back.

I said : What if there is nothing wrong or the recon isn't necessary - you install it back and the smoke is still there as all you needed to was physically turn the pump a few degrees.

They said : sorry but that's all we can do for you.

I said : I'm not gambling a few thousand rand on your policies and left.

Got home, loosened pump, turned it one way - smoked more, turned other way and smoke went away. Drove it 60km last night and it felt more peppy (maybe placebo). I'm also confident that it now sounds identical to my dad's 4m41 engine that returns 10l/100km (truth be told it sounds a bit louder but in a good way - diesel engine wise) so I'm waiting to see if returns better economy now.

Had I left it to the dealer I might have had to cough up thousands unnecessarily and still had the issue (with a shoulder shrugging dealer) and all the had to do was spend 1hour turning the pump.

Bloody agents! Mitsu isn't bad but this left a sour taste in my mouth.

Exactly why I like doing my own work - but I needed that MUT-II tool to do it precisely (but I ended up doing OK by feel).


Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:43 pm

Well done 4ePiki! Really wish I had your technical abilities.

Are you nad your smokeless Pajero keen to hit De Kraal some time in December? I want to go play around a bit and have a work colleague who needs to test some limits and learn a bit of his limits in off road conditions in his hilux 4x4 so he would be keen to join.

Let me know if you keen.
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:12 pm

Cool ;-)

Just wondering... what if you have turned it too far? Is there something you can measure? Or could it damage the engine?
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:37 pm

very keen but last time I was at De Kraal I was upset as the owner had 2 months notice of the mitsu training and made no effort to clear scrubs. Resultantly my car and a few newer gen4's and sports got scratched.

Maybe we should rather head out to Ferndale for the day. It's always in great condition and after the recent rains it will be green as ever.
EL - De Kraal.JPG
It's only 100km from East London
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:18 pm

Greg_SA wrote:Cool ;-)

Just wondering... what if you have turned it too far? Is there something you can measure? Or could it damage the engine?
Based on the timing gears I figured out that I advanced the timing.

Too much advance will cause hard starting and engine may kick back.

The engine will knock (sounds like gnomes with hammers in the engine) and will idle very rough and shaky.

I only turned as much until the smoke stopped. There's probably room for more advancement but I'll have it done when I'm in PTA sometime and a dealer/workshop with MUT-II tool so we can set it precisely.

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:08 am

Ferndale sounds good to me. I haven't done amy of their trails yet. Will contact you next week sometime to organise

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:52 am

My 2001 3.2Did swb (manual) also smoking a bit on idle, was thinking bad injector tips. Will try your remedy. Would be interested to know if you had change in consumption?? My average is 8.5km/l with Dastek chip and 236K on clock, bit low to my liking, I want 10!

Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:04 pm

Hi Maruis
Man ek probeer om die workshop manual van die Gen 3 Pajero te download maar ek kom nie reg nie ek dink dit moet wees omdat my rekenaar so oud is ,ek glo hy het uitgekom toe Paul Kruger nog vir die Diggers rugby gespeel het.

Is daar n kans dat jy moontlik dit vir my kan e-pos of selfs op n CD sny en aanstuur asseblief.

Epos- thevalley@mtnloaded.co.za
Posadress- posbus 1435 Humansdorp 6300

Dankie ek wardeer

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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:54 am

Marius, gee my asb die detail omrede ek belangstel in die torque converter lockup kit. Groete. Willem
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Re: 4ePikanini's new Gen3

Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:19 am

Marius, I would like to install the torque converter lock up kit on my Pajero 2007 3.2 DiD. You did indicate that you still sell the instructions. My email address is Willem.Delport53@gmail.com Please let me have the payment detail. Thank you.

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