EGT Gauge on DiD?


EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:04 pm

I am a bit confused. I see a lot of you have EGT gauges fitted to your DiDs - and I fully agree with the value of having it. The agents however tell me that the DiD has some sort of electronic feedback that reduces power (apparently by controlling the fuel pump) if the EGT exceeds a pre-set value. According to them the EGT gauge will be a wasted expense on the DiD.

Have I been misinformed? What are your opinions on this?

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Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:55 pm

I have not figured out how the ECU controls EGTs.

I know that it does not have a temp probe in the exhaust tract.
I can only imagine that they measure other parameters and deduce from those readings what the EGTs have to be at any specific moment.
I fitted a EGT gauge and I must admit that I have not tested how high I can take it, but it is easy to get the temps up to 700 deg C!
If anything goes wrong, such as an injector or the pump failing, I don't want to blindly assume that the ECU will pick this up.

I cannot afford an engine failure, so the money spent on the EGT gauge is the belt added to the braces.
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Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:09 pm

I agree. Under normal circumstances there should not be a need but an EGT safeguards you against abnormal situations as well as showing how hard the engine has worked with regards to idling before shutdown.

ie. I went recently on a trip with dad ( I drove his gen1 DiD ) and on the way out when we stopped at the Kei bridge we were going uphill before we got there and the EGT's were at 180 and coming down when I was idling. Took a couple minutes before it went below 140 ( I felt that was safe for shut down ).

However on the way back there was a long downhill where the engine ran a long stretch against compression pulling air through the engine without introducing diesel. When we came to a halt the EGT's registered 85 ( and have done for over a minute ) due to this, so I know it was safe to shut down immediately.

Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:46 am

Hi 4e

I am interrested in installing a EGT guage. What will this entail and what sensor would be the best. Do you have a DIY setup that will help.


Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:29 am

What does it cost to have an EGT installed?

Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:57 am

I bought my 3.2 Did 2nd hand with 130 000 km on the clock and now have 150 000km. Is it worthwhile still installing the EGT? Many people have told me that damage would al ready be done.
If one install the EGt, should one install other probes with it and not just the exaust one?
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Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:15 am

4ePajero uses this gauge to measure 4 values

- pre- intercooler temp
- post- intercooler temp
- coolant temp


His EGT wire can be seen here

Autostyle sells the gauge for under a R1000 but it doesn't include the sensor - they are a bit bling though.

I can get this one for you from ebay @ R900 if you arrange collection in East london ( 4 weeks delivery wait )
- it includes the EGT sensor and wiring



NB : you will have to get a mechanic to drill and weld the bung for the sensor
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Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:19 am

the install is easy if you are out of warranty.

You can blank off the egr pipe and use the blanking plate with a bung welded in.

you can see in the top picture where 4ePajero blanked off his egr -

it is the trapezium shaped connector
- on the far side on the exhaust manifold and
- the near side on the intake manifold

Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:26 pm

Hi 4e

Looks the way to go. I have managed to find a Type "K" sensor about R300 and digital sensor (pricing and photo) tomorrow about R250> Max temp for the sensor is 1300 Deg. My concern is where to corrcectly install the bung. What advantage / disadvantage will I have if I remove the EGR Valve. Will it have any negative effect on the motor.

The Sensor is made up with a braided cable and to length of your choice.

I think that for anound R550 this is good insurance

Re: EGT Gauge on DiD?

Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:11 pm

Hi all

I looked at guages and the pricing was not correctly given to me. I will post correct pricing on the guages tomorrow. From what I was shown, they are rectangular and will help with installation. Sorry fcor incorrect price on guage, probe pricing is correct

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