Another tough week working in the Transkei

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Another tough week working in the Transkei

Mon May 17, 2010 2:32 pm

I had a real tough week last week, work wise.

It is a tough job, but somebody has to do it! :D

I have the great privilege of taking Annette with when I do trips like these. She needed a break after working herself close to exhaustion for our youngest daughter's wedding on 8th May.

(Note: Some of the photographs were taken during previous trips.)

DAY #1

We left East London at first sparrows to be at a Community Liaison meeting near MtFrere (on the DR08125, the upgrade of which I and the team are planning).
We spent the morning in a school hall explaining the process to the community and the elders.
The local ward councillor chaired the meeting and I must say that he was one of the best chairpersons I have had the privilege of working with.

From there we took the long haul for out overnight lodging - Mbotyi River Lodge
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2009_09_07 Mboyti 4x4 Track 01b.JPG
Mbotyi River Lodge
2009_09_07 Mboyti River Lodge 02.JPG
2009_09_07 Mboyti River Lodge 05b.JPG
A few of the scenic areas in the Mbotyi Magwa area:
Fraser Falls12 10_08.JPG
Fraser Falls
Magwa Falls1 10_08.JPG
Magwa Falls
Magwa Falls2 10_08.JPG
Magwa Falls3 10_08.JPG
Magwa Tea2 10_08.JPG
Magwa Tea Estate
Magwa Tea4 10_08.JPG
Magwa Tea6 10_08.JPG

Gerhard Fourie
If you want to shoot somebody, make sure you aim at his head, not your own foot.
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Vehicle: 1989 Pajero LWB
Location: East London
Posts: 1348
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:59 pm

Re: Another tough week working in the Transkei

Mon May 17, 2010 3:35 pm

DAY #2

I went off to another projects while Annette had a well deserved rest at the Lodge.

DAY #3

I was busy till rather late and decided against driving to White Clay (Coffee Bay), but drove to Cremorne Estate in Port StJohn's.
Cremorne is under new management and it really shows. What was very good has now become excellent.
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Cremorne04 10_08.JPG
Cremorne Estate, Port StJohn's
DAY #4

Work was now over and we drove to Mazeppa Bay Hotel.
The road is in terrible condition and the 43km from Centane to Mazeppa took 1hr 40min.

It was worth it, though, because Mazeppa Bay Hotel is another one of those undiscovered gems of the wild coast.
Cremorne08 10_08.JPG
Mazeppa Bay01.JPG
Mazeppa Bay Hotel
Mazeppa Bay03.JPG
Mazeppa Bay04.JPG
DAY #5

Back to East London.
The Touareg at the Kei Bridge Shell, where we had some coffee.
Mazeppa Bay05.JPG
Gerhard Fourie
If you want to shoot somebody, make sure you aim at his head, not your own foot.

Re: Another tough week working in the Transkei

Tue May 18, 2010 7:29 am

Looks like a nice Job....traveling around and enjoying the nature.

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