It is a tough job, but somebody has to do it!

I have the great privilege of taking Annette with when I do trips like these. She needed a break after working herself close to exhaustion for our youngest daughter's wedding on 8th May.
(Note: Some of the photographs were taken during previous trips.)
DAY #1
We left East London at first sparrows to be at a Community Liaison meeting near MtFrere (on the DR08125, the upgrade of which I and the team are planning).
We spent the morning in a school hall explaining the process to the community and the elders.
The local ward councillor chaired the meeting and I must say that he was one of the best chairpersons I have had the privilege of working with.
From there we took the long haul for out overnight lodging - Mbotyi River Lodge A few of the scenic areas in the Mbotyi Magwa area: