Viscous fan engages almost all the time

Country: South Africa
Vehicle: 2023 Pajero Sport
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:49 am

Viscous fan engages almost all the time

Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:52 am

I have a 2023 Pajero Sport only about a month old since delivery. I have been driving around for the first few weeks without any issue, but since last week the viscous fan seems to be engaging at low temperatures, e.g. only 18 degrees today, It will engage at the slightest standstill at a stop sign, and engage for long while.

This didn't happen until just last week, so my question is if this is normal or should I have it checked out. The engine temp seems normal, but the ambient temperature sensor in the bumper has been showing high temperatures if I leave the vehicle for an hour so before starting again.

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