Cleaning sticking dump valve

Country: France
Vehicle: Pajero
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:20 am

Re: Cleaning sticking dump valve

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:08 am

Good afternoon all,

I hope you are well. I've been experiencing the same problem as you describe with your Pajero for the last 3 months. I lose power when climbing in 4th and 5th gear and After a few minutes in a Big Hill, the engine go to limp mode.

WE met 3 mechanicals and all of them told me the car IS good. But the car IS not. No power in the hills, The gearbox often stays in 5th gear instead of downshifting to gain power.

The engine revs struggle to rise above 2,500 rpm.

Lot if noise...

The last mechanical told me the turbo IS good but maybe a bit lazy ... Maybe the problem that you describe ?

Doses someone had the same problem ans finaly find the issue please ?

My girlfriend and I would be grateful for your help, as we've been having this problem for months and have spent a lot of money on the car.

Many thanks for your help

Maxime and Marine.

Country: France
Vehicle: Pajero
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:20 am

Re: Cleaning sticking dump valve

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:09 am

Good afternoon all,

I hope you are well. I've been experiencing the same problem as you describe with your Pajero for the last 3 months. I lose power when climbing in 4th and 5th gear and After a few minutes in a Big Hill, the engine go to limp mode.

WE met 3 mechanicals and all of them told me the car IS good. But the car IS not. No power in the hills, The gearbox often stays in 5th gear instead of downshifting to gain power.

The engine revs struggle to rise above 2,500 rpm.

Lot if noise...

The last mechanical told me the turbo IS good but maybe a bit lazy ... Maybe the problem that you describe ?

Doses someone had the same problem ans finaly find the issue please ?

My girlfriend and I would be grateful for your help, as we've been having this problem for months and have spent a lot of money on the car.

Many thanks for your help

Maxime and Marine.
Country: North Macedonia
Vehicle: Mitsubishi Pajero MK4 3.2did (170hp)
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:24 pm

Re: Cleaning sticking dump valve

Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:57 pm

Maxo wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:09 am
Good afternoon all,

I hope you are well. I've been experiencing the same problem as you describe with your Pajero for the last 3 months. I lose power when climbing in 4th and 5th gear and After a few minutes in a Big Hill, the engine go to limp mode.

WE met 3 mechanicals and all of them told me the car IS good. But the car IS not. No power in the hills, The gearbox often stays in 5th gear instead of downshifting to gain power.

The engine revs struggle to rise above 2,500 rpm.

Lot if noise...

The last mechanical told me the turbo IS good but maybe a bit lazy ... Maybe the problem that you describe ?

Doses someone had the same problem ans finaly find the issue please ?

My girlfriend and I would be grateful for your help, as we've been having this problem for months and have spent a lot of money on the car.

Many thanks for your help

Maxime and Marine.
Same problem here mate,
​I have a stock 2007 3 door Pajero 3.2 Di-D, with 185.000km (115.000miles).
It is an EU market vehicle altho I've been driving it the last 20.000km in North Macedonia (where temperatures go higher than normal).
It's serviced regularly, altho the last 20k km serviced outside of EU and in a country that has no official Mitsubishi service blah blah blah...

This summer, at a temperature of 40°C (105F) after 45minutes of driving on the highway the car goes in to limp mode when i try to overtake another vehicle uphill at a speed of 110km/h with the AC on and the car tries to shift down from 5th to 4th...
Went to an official service for a check - they said that the car works fine altho the error showed up to be VGT. The turbo is working good, the vacuum too, everything is serviced as it needs to be, everything works as new, the DPF does self regenerating after 25 minutes of driving, the diesel i use is well refined, & no error has been turned off or got hidden...

I was suspecting few things:
- Dirt stuck in the fuel piping or the pump (altho the pump works good);
- Carbon stuck on the turbo (might need sandblasting);
- AC compressor, but i got the radiators clean and it does not need too much power (only takes the rpm from 750 to 950-1000 when in idle);
- Transmission oil overheating (since it happens 45 minutes in the drive, but the oil has been changed);
- Coolant temperature problems (but the operating temperature is normal);
- Not having a tropicalised version of the vehicle (if there is one)

All in all - just saw that the car works ok without the AC on...

P.S. Did not manage to fix the problem, so any advice is welcomed :D
Country: South Africa
Vehicle: pajero
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:45 pm

Re: Cleaning sticking dump valve

Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:42 pm

Maxo wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:08 am
Good afternoon all,

I hope you are well. I've been experiencing the same problem as you describe with your Pajero for the last 3 months. I lose power when climbing in 4th and 5th gear and After a few minutes in a Big Hill, the engine go to limp mode.

WE met 3 mechanicals and all of them told me the car IS good. But the car IS not. No power in the hills, The gearbox often stays in 5th gear instead of downshifting to gain power.

The engine revs struggle to rise above 2,500 rpm.

Lot if noise...

The last mechanical told me the turbo IS good but maybe a bit lazy ... Maybe the problem that you describe ?

Doses someone had the same problem ans finaly find the issue please ?

My girlfriend and I would be grateful for your help, as we've been having this problem for months and have spent a lot of money on the car.

Many thanks for your help

Maxime and Marine.
Yes I had a similar problem and unfortunately it can only be solved if you find a good mechanic

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