Vic falls trip

Looking for ideas for holidays? Maybe a trail? Or even a trip across Africa?
Butch Robertson

Re: Vic falls trip

Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:27 am

I would suggest that as from Nata,you start filling up everytime you pass a filling station. Kasane often runs out of fuel,and I have also experienced a fuelless Pandamatenga.


Re: Vic falls trip

Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:50 pm

Butch Robertson wrote:Kasane often runs out of fuel,
Yes * 2 - when we were there two years ago there was no fuel North of Pandamatenga for about 4 days - but no shortage at Vic Falls!

Our route took us from Kasane to Vic Falls then Hwange. Our original plan was then to return via Pandamatenga because we were nervous of travelling on our own in Zim and the Beit Bridge reputation - but after meeting so many really friendly Zimbabweans and talking to fellow travellers about Beit Bridge we changed our plans and drove the length of Zim from Hwange via Bulawayo and back into RSA via Beit Bridge with no problems.

Loved every minute and returned to Zim last year.

Re: Vic falls trip

Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:21 pm

Thanx Butch

Hey Andrew

That's good to hear about Zim. I'm also wary of traveling in Zim as it is since I will be alone. Maybe will return or enter Zim via Pandamatenga. Is there a long delay when entering from Kasane to Vic Falls.

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