1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Looking for ideas for holidays? Maybe a trail? Or even a trip across Africa?

Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:11 pm

Day 5: Jacaranda shipwreck and Trennery Hotel
upon the ferry
Kei Mouth Ferry
Trennerys Hotel
river crossing


Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:18 pm

Morgan's Bay and the way home again:

All in all - it was a nice week of relaxing :mrgreen:
Lions Park Ficksburg
Moni, Francis and Bruce
our B&B in Morgan's Bay

Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:48 pm

Mr MR2-blue, my china I actualy sommer get moerig with you okes that dont look further than the hour glass. I see that you only looked at the city centre of PSJ, which is a shithole of course, but man you miss the whole picture of PSJ. Did you actualy go a bit further past 1st beach and then to second beach. You have no idea how beautifull that place is. I have my own little spot i go to every year with my daughter, a place caled amapondo's, beautifull place lots of friendly people and travelers that has found this piece of paradise. To say what you say about a place, well you cant judge it if you have not explored the inner fruits. I dare you to go back and explore the port st jhons area for a week, you will not say what you say once you have done that!
Peace out

Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:54 pm

to add to this, you went on the knowledge of a guide. I tell you man there is some offrad trails wehere only a 4x4 can go with not a village in sight. I am actualy setting up a offroad trail through the psj area cause it is o beautifull there. Some of the local okes can realy show you some magical place the next time you go there. I dont know what the hype is on coffe bay. it has unfortunatly turned into a tourist trap. bummer!
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Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:05 am

Going into that part of the world in March :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Cant wait.

Via Aliwal North, Butterworth, Mazeppa bay (for 7 days :lol: ) than back to JHB via Easter with the Inlaws in Dbn. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:41 pm

bosaap wrote:Mr MR2-blue, my china I actualy sommer get moerig with you okes that dont look further than the hour glass.
I don't get this comment....
bosaap wrote:I see that you only looked at the city centre of PSJ, which is a <censored> of course, but man you miss the whole picture of PSJ. Did you actualy go a bit further past 1st beach and then to second beach. You have no idea how beautifull that place is. I have my own little spot i go to every year with my daughter, a place caled amapondo's, beautifull place lots of friendly people and travelers that has found this piece of paradise. To say what you say about a place, well you cant judge it if you have not explored the inner fruits. I dare you to go back and explore the port st jhons area for a week, you will not say what you say once you have done that!
Peace out....to add to this, you went on the knowledge of a guide. I tell you man there is some offrad trails wehere only a 4x4 can go with not a village in sight. I am actualy setting up a offroad trail through the psj area cause it is o beautifull there. Some of the local okes can realy show you some magical place the next time you go there. I dont know what the hype is on coffe bay. it has unfortunatly turned into a tourist trap. bummer!
We spent only the evening and a few hours the next morning in PJS - we didn't like the village and decided to leave earlier than planned. This is our private choice as well as the judgement if we like the location or not. Btw. - we went to the 2nd beach which was full of dirt, waste and rubbish already on the parking area....we didn't like to even leave the vehicle there.

In general - everybodies view on many places is different - and our key intend during vacation is not 4x4 driving, it's a nice "add-on", but not a must.
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Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:54 am

I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and likes and dislikes...

I for example think that the best view one can get of Cape Town is when youre on the N1 heading back to JHB and CT in the rear view mirror. ;)
Now, I am sure that that comment will open a can of worms :evil: but that is my opinion only and will go back to the cape for holidays.
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Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:38 pm

KaiV wrote:I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and likes and dislikes...

I for example think that the best view one can get of Cape Town is when youre on the N1 heading back to JHB and CT in the rear view mirror. ;)
Now, I am sure that that comment will open a can of worms :evil:
Eina :o :o

That is a harsh one and I don't even stay in Cape town :twisted: I think the question here is what do you make of your trip because at the end of the day you are the only one that decides the outcome of the holiday. If you go to a magical place and only see the dirt in the parking lot and ignores the beauty of the surroundings you will have a slightly tainted view of the whole. We have a beautiful country that has something on offer for everyone and even cape town has a lot to offer if one takes the time to open your eyes. I have often driven past the informal settlements on the highway leading up to cape town international and felt ashamed at the absolute filth on this stretch of road and shuddered at the thought that this is the first image for a lot of international visitors. In reality this is just a sign of the different cultures we have in this country. Driving a bit further on the same road you reach the city with the whole shebang, from squatters to the la di da posh folk in their high walled mansions with the manicured garden.
Having said that I don't like the winters and that rock in the middle of town is just there to make visitors reach for the GPS (I do).
If you want to compare this with a European city you will be disappointed it is not that it has much more to offer, you just have to look.
Henk Bannink

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Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:28 am

methinks Cape Town bashing is OT :evil:
Simon Bloomer

Re: 1 week Transkei: Port St. Johns to Morgans Bay...

Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:23 pm

Me thinks - I'm not going to post trip reports anymore if a personal opinion w/o violating anyone gets educational comments I haven't asked for...sorry for being OT.... :evil:

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