Atlantis dunes

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Atlantis dunes

Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:09 pm


I'm thinking about heading to Atlantis Dunes this weekend.

Can anyone offer me some general advice ie. what I should take (recovery equipment), do' s and don't etc... Can one just potter around, is there a well-defined route, trail?


Pajero 3.2 DID LWB GLX
Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB [SOLD]

Re: Atlantis dunes

Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:45 pm

If it is your first time, I'd go with a Garmin or similar device to plot where you've been so that you can get out again. There is no set trail, just plenty of white sand. Recovery equipment should be standard fare, ie. snatch rope, bow shackles, gloves and pull strap.

If you're feeling adventurous then you can take an inflatable jack and winch. :twisted:

Tyre pressure should be no more than 1 bar, with some people running as low as 0,6 bar, depending on your tyre type and size as well as sand condition.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Atlantis dunes

Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:30 pm

The sand dune itch is starting.....

The weather looks cr@p this weekend, but maybe next weekend and a few of us POCSA blokes can go together...

dwinter, if this is your first trip to the dunes, I would NOT recommend you do it alone... Yes there are plenty people around to help, but this is half the issue.
Simon Bloomer
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Re: Atlantis dunes

Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:04 am


Simon, if you or others do head out next weekend please let me know - I'd like to join you and learn the ropes...
Pajero 3.2 DID LWB GLX
Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB [SOLD]

Re: Atlantis dunes

Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:58 pm

I am with the others on this one. Disorientation kicks in quickly when all you can see is acres of white sand. I saved the entry/ exit point on my Garmin, but after 4 or so visits, I still go in a group. It is fun though...
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Re: Atlantis dunes

Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:41 pm

The cellphone reception seems fine at Atlantis... so the first few times I was there, I used Google Maps on my cellphone, and you could look at the satellite photos to see where you are. Most cellphones now have GPS and can run Google Maps
2008 Pajero DiDc LWB GLS
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Re: Atlantis dunes

Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:22 am

If anyone i sgoing this weekend, please let me know, I might join. Just need to organise a permit though

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