Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

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Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:53 pm

Hey guys,
I'm planning a trip for Xmas to Xia Xia with my UK family and Six kids in tow. Has anyone camped at Paradise Magoo? any practical advice would be appriciated, is there good shade? is there grass? how are the toilets? showers? security? etc.
Or maybe you know a better place to go?


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Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:57 pm

Hi Wilddog

Haven't stayed at Paradise Magoo, but I can recommend Sunset Beach Resort some 60km's North of Xai-Xai near Chidenquele.

We stayed there in Des 2010 and really enjoyed it. :D

Some of the campsites are a bit small, but each has its own ablution with shower/toilet and braai. There are also small camping sites covered with roof structures.

We tried to go again in Dec 2012, but only 3 of the stands can take the caravans and they where booked. :( We'll be heading to Laguna Camp in Bilene, if someone has some feedback about this camp, it will be appreciated.

Attached some pics of Sunset BR. (

Sunset Camping Area.JPG
Track to beach parking.JPG
Beach Parking@Sunset.JPG
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Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:25 am

Yes me, its a true paradise! :D :D :D
Marty Russell
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Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:47 pm

My wife and I camped at Laguna Camp in 2008. It was very well run by an ex-military South African and I understand he is still there. Each site has its own kitchen and enclosed area for a caravan or tents and its own hot water donkey supplied with wood. Laguna was quite expensive at around R120 pppn and this may now have increased. Caravan access might be difficult. My wife rates Laguna as five star - and we have done a lot of camping!

This time when we stayed at Bilene for three days during May 2012, we decided to try somewhere new. We camped at Complexo Palmieros - right at the northern end of the trading street on the beachfront. The camp was very well run, clean toilets, hot water, good security, flat shady sites and fifty metres from the water's edge. It was also very cheap at 150 mets pppn (R45) but it was out of season and there were only two other sites occupied. They also have chalets and a good restaurant and bar. 4x4 not really necessary although there is very loose sand on the sites. Check their website

We also found a superb campsite on the other side of the lagoon (where the lagoon shore is the only access road) called Nhabanga Paradise owned and run by Johan and Magda - a very hospitable couple. Access to Nhlabanga is by 35kms of 4x4 sandy track and may also be difficult for a caravan but there is a short cut that entails crossing two rivers (only possible if it has not rained heavily) but I advise going the long way round the first time because you may otherwise get lost! I am sure the cost will be more than Complexo Palmieros however - check their website -

Bilene is definitely worth a visit. Take your board if you are a wind or sail surfer!

While you are in Moz, Lugar do Mar is a really good camp on Magareta Island. You get to the island from Marracuene (just north of Maputo) by ferry - R180 return per vehicle and R180 per trailer. Lugar is about five kilometres along the quite large island. Very good birdlife in camp. R120 pppn while we were there.

Perhaps you might like to contact me at if you need more info. I can send photos to you directly as I have been unable to send photos to this website even when compressed to under 200kb. I can also email you a bribery and corruption form issued by the Moz authorities that helps if you get conned by the police. When you ask them to complete the form they change their tune completely!
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Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:16 am

Marty Russell wrote:My wife and I camped at Laguna Camp in 2008. It was very well run by an ex-military South African and I understand he is still there. Each site has its own kitchen and enclosed area for a caravan or tents and its own hot water donkey supplied with wood. Laguna was quite expensive at around R120 pppn and this may now have increased. Caravan access might be difficult. My wife rates Laguna as five star - and we have done a lot of camping!

Thanks for the feedback Marty!

Looking forward to Bilene - Space is booked and paid! :mrgreen:

Will send you a mail re the "Bribery" form.

Gen 4 GLX 30th Anniversary Edition (Gravel :mrgreen: )
VW Tiguan 2.0TDi (Tar ;))
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Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:38 am

I am a Moz fan .... went all-over, even up to Pemba. I still think the gem of Moz is away from the crowds .. where you still experience the rural Mozambique, but with excellent resorts in the area. The beauty of the Morrungulo area(Turn off at Massinga on EN1) .... up to Pomene, is unsurpassed in my opinion.

Luckily, not many people know about this area that takes the same driving time as the Barra & Tofo resorts. Have a look at (5 Star) & & (Camping just about on the beach here)

Last advice - PREVENT Accidents at all costs, especially where a pedestrian is involved. THIS is GK!!!

Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:05 pm

My thanks to all posted here about Moz camping. will most defenitely plan a trip.

Re: Anyone camped at paradise Magoo in Xia Xia?

Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:36 pm

Hi all, Just some feedback on Paradise Magoo. Its a nice place but I was a little disappointed that some things were not mentioned when booking with them and also want to highlight some things that were mentioned.

There is no pool, its really hot and the ocean is great but some clean fresh water would have been great for cooling off.

There is a shop on site, which is mentioned on their site, what they failed to elaborate on is that there is no stock in the shop and you cant buy bread or any other essentials.

The restaraunt is a disaster, it took two and half hours to get Pizza, ok there were 12 of us in the party, but still.

You are camping on sand be prepared for this if you like a sandless tent and the wife likes clean feet.

There is no electricity, although the owners said they were trying to get power to the camp. I was prepared for this however no power mean't that they had limited ice available and dispite my anglo origins, I dont like warm beer!

Apart from the above, the crazy Moz idiots on the road overtaking on solid whites uphill! on brows of hills on bends etc. and completley inappropriate use of speed and the ever corrupt police officials, we had a good time dont think I'd be a big hurry back though, The south west coast is much friendler.

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