Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

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Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:54 pm

Hi, jammer ek doen die een in Afrikaans (will translate for our English friends if so required... :-) )

Ons beplan om die Wildekus 4x4 roete te doen gedurende Desember.

Enige inligting of advies sal waardeer word. Hier is 'n lysie van paar plekke wat ons oorweeg om aan te doen asook sommige van die "unknowns" wat belangrik mag wees:

Begin by Morgan's Baai en eindig by Coffee Baai
Kampplekke tussen-in sluit in Mazeppa Baai, dalk Mangrove Estuary asook enige ander plek wat bereikbaar is.
Ons wil nie hard-core 4x4 doen nie
Wil ook nie meer as 4/5 ure per dag ry voordat ons kamp opslaan nie.
Geen voertuig het snorkels, so ons wil ook nie diep / gevaarlike "water crossings" doen nie;

Ons voertuie:
  • Ford bakkie 4x4
  • Isuzu bakkie 4x4
  • Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB

is die paaie rybaar gedurende Desember?
sal die motors krap?
sal 'padbou' nodig wees of is dit grondpaaie wat min of geen padbou sal benodig?
Daar is nog baie meer vrae, maar ek dink die besluit moet eers gemaak word of die trip aan is of nie alvorens ek ander vrae lys.

Volgens T4A is daar meer as een roete om by plekke uit te kom alhoewel die roetes aangedui word as "Wild Coast 4wd-trail". So is daar bv sekere gedeeltes wat as "Off road" aangedui word en ander wat as "gravel" getoon word - Enige raad mbt dit?


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Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:02 pm

Die Wild Coast Eco Trail sluit seksies in wat as "hard core" sal klassifiseer, veral gedurende die reënseisoen.
Vir hierdie seksies kan jy verwag om vas te sit, jou 4x4 te krap en gedwonge wees om om te draai weens vol riviere.

Die gruispaaie in die Transkei se toestand wissel van baie goed tot sleg, afhangende van waar jy gaan en hoe lank gelede onderhoud gedoen is.
Ek sal meeste van die Transkei se gruispaaie in 'n CitiGolf aanpak, so enige 4x4 sal nie probleme ondervind nie.

Kry vir jou die Wild Coast Map vanaf
Gerhard Fourie
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Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:20 pm

Similar thread going here. Worth a look. ... p?t=140381

My trip report was here on when I did it.
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Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:35 pm

Thanks Gerhard & Marius!

Marius, you mentioned the same coordinate twice, first indicating it was an easier crossing "We found an alternative (easy) crossing at 32° 33.153'S 28° 30.741'E. This will be reported to T4A.".
Then you mentioned the same coordinate (32° 33.153'S 28° 30.741'E), stating the following: "We then proceeded to the river crossing at 32° 33.153'S 28° 30.741'E across the Inxaxo River. The crossing was difficult with angular steps to be climbed. With the packing of some rocks, we might have made it.
The climb out of the river did however look very difficult, with steps and ledges ±1m high.
The idea was not to test our rock climbing ability, but to have a pleasurable drive through the Transkei
." = please explain as this sounds a bit confusing??

Gerhard, you mentioned you continued on to Mazeppa Bay on "(on normal gravel roads) to Mazeppa Bay Hotel, where we spent the night.... What road did you use? Is it a different one than the crossing where Marius turned around?

Sorry for all the questions, but I need to ensure the route I plan to follow is driveable without too many obstacles...

2006 Gen 3 Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB (aka Sho't Left)
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Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:38 pm

Just note the blue line on my gps.

If you havent got T4A invest in it. It shows the whole route as well as the gravel roads to get you out in case the going takes too long.

Take plenty of water and warm clothes.

If you get stuck badly, call me and I will try to get a couple of guys to come help early the next morning. It will be tricky this weekend with the rain that fell today.

Oh seven twoo, zero too seven, double won nine two. Marius.

And remember mosquito and tick repellant.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk because forumrunner keeps crashing on ios 6
Tim S

Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:03 am

Hi daar, ons gaan kamp graag in Traskei. Die beste plek vir ons is White Clay. (foto aangeheg) Dis net n endtjie suid van Koffee Baai. Die sites is efens klein weens die styltes van die grond maar daar is krag, water an gemaklike geriewe en n eetplek. Bespeekings is partykeer bietie moelik per telefoon maar hul sal jou kontak. Praat met Karin 083 979 4499 of 0475 750008. Daar is n paar "stunning" plekke daar naby om vir die dag te gaan vertoef. Die beste is om daai paaitjies wat so veld-in gaan sonder bortjies to volg, 4x4 benodig en jy sal amazing plekke vind. Presley Baai is ook n baie nice plek. Daar is heelwat huise en challetts wat verhuur word.
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Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:23 pm

4ePikanini wrote:Just note the blue line on my gps.

If you havent got T4A invest in it. It shows the whole route as well as the gravel roads to get you out in case the going takes too long.

Take plenty of water and warm clothes.

If you get stuck badly, call me and I will try to get a couple of guys to come help early the next morning. It will be tricky this weekend with the rain that fell today.

Oh seven twoo, zero too seven, double won nine two. Marius.

And remember mosquito and tick repellant.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk because forumrunner keeps crashing on ios 6
Marius, thanks for the offer to assist, but we will only be doing this at a much later stage (end of year).
WRT T4A, I have invested although it is a bit outdated (2011). I go nowhere without the GPS and T4A... :)
2006 Gen 3 Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB (aka Sho't Left)
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Burnco Front and Rear Bars
Hannibal Roofrack
Country: South Africa
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Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:25 pm

Tim S wrote:
Hi daar, ons gaan kamp graag in Traskei. ....Die beste is om daai paaitjies wat so veld-in gaan sonder bortjies to volg, 4x4 benodig en jy sal amazing plekke vind..... .
Dankie vir die waardevolle inligting Tim. Sal sekerlik dit ook ondersoek.
2006 Gen 3 Pajero 3.2 DiD SWB (aka Sho't Left)
Drawer System DIY
Burnco Front and Rear Bars
Hannibal Roofrack

Re: Transkei Wildekus 4x4 roete - advies benodig

Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:29 am

Hi guys.
I am a new member of the Pajero club and very glad to be.
I drive a 2006 SWB 3.8 V6.
I am planning a 8 day trip to the wild coast this year December, starting at Kei Mouth and driving north towards Port ST Johns.
Have some of you done this trip and what advise can you give me so I know what to expect? it will be in the rain season.
It will be myself and my father with his Hilux, we both have winches and roof racks.
Will it be advisable to have a snorkel fitted? Snake bite kits for emergencies? Any help with routes as well? thanks guys.

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