2000 SWB 3.2 DID oil usage

Country: South Africa
Vehicle: Pajero 3.2 SWB '2000
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:29 am

2000 SWB 3.2 DID oil usage

Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:40 pm

I need some assistance with oil consumption.

My daughters 3.2 DiD only normally used around town for short runs and didn't use much oil between services recently did a 500kms trip at I presume 120-130kms /hr and the oil level dropped from high to low mark on dip stick.. :?

I cant say if it was smoking badly from the exhaust etc but what can the causes be of this oil usage?

The engine starts very quickly when cold so cant be piston rings etc, mechanically the engine sounds very solid and no funny noises and it pulls like a train - very strong.

I was thinking turbo or maybe valve stem seals?

285,000kms on the clock but regularly serviced.


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Country: SA
Vehicle: 2009 Pajero 3.2 SWB
Location: Pretoria
Posts: 352
Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:42 pm

Re: 2000 SWB 3.2 DID oil usage

Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:34 am

Start with the easiest most logic thing first.
You do not mention when and who serviced last
Drain the oil fill with the correct API spec well known brand SAE 15W/40 and make sure level is 100% correct and then monitor for the service period.

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