New Member - Charlie

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Country: South Africa
Vehicle: MAZDA Astina
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:58 pm

New Member - Charlie

Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:03 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm a new member and would like to introduce myself.

Name: Charlie,

Birthday: Feb 25 (Aged 42)

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: I'm a Consultant in the Aviation sector.

From: Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort.

I don't want to get crucified here, but I currently don't own a Pajero, nor have I ever owned one. However, I'm hoping to change that as I would like to find and rebuild a second Generation Pajero. Now I know that is easier said than done and I'm still in the research phase of my plan which includes going through some historical post on this forum.

The reason I'm considering a "rebuild" or maybe "refurb" is the better word is cost. I would like to have a vehicle which has a decent towing capacity (Off road Caravan) and can also take on tricky terrain if needed. If I look at new vehicles, I will be spending anywhere between 650 - 800k at least and I honestly don't see the point.

I think the Pajero is the perfect vehicle to restore and would be able to suit my needs for far less (At least I hope so) than the new vehicles out there. So, I will continue my research and bounce some of my ideas off you guys from time to time.

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