Engine warning light switches on but then off the next morning.

Tony M
Country: South Africa
Vehicle: 2008 Pajero GLS LWB
Location: Cape Town
Posts: 60
Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:06 pm

Engine warning light switches on but then off the next morning.

Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:55 pm

On travelling about 35 Km in the morning to work no problem with my 2008 Gen 4 diesel 3.2. (± 270,000 km)
On sitting for 8 hours, on the way home, the check engine light came on at around 15 Km.
When at home, checked the engine oil level, ATF, water, brake and steering fluids and all OK as was coolant temperature (around the 1/4 mark)
Last time I had a check engine light it was the Mass Airflow sensor.
Around an hour after checking the fluid levels I took out the mass air flow sensor and sprayed it with mass airflow cleaning fluid. Waited for the solvent to evaporate then put the sensor back in.
Voila, check engine light didn't come on.
Today, the CEL was off on the outward journey, no problem. On return the CEL came on again at round the same distance.
My OBDII 'dongle' has stopped working (the cheap blue type - won't connect via Bluetooth) so I don't have one available at the moment
The 'outward' time takes around 30 minutes but the return journey can take almost twice that time.
Have cleaned the sensor with fluid again but the CEL (thus far) won't extinguish. So perhaps it's a temperature issue somewhere.
Will check again later when the engine is a bit colder but thought I'd ask the forum if anyone had something similar to this happen to them?

Thanks all!

Tony M
Country: South Africa
Vehicle: 2008 Pajero GLS LWB
Location: Cape Town
Posts: 60
Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:06 pm

Re: Engine warning light switches on but then off the next morning.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:31 pm

Just some feedback:
I got my ODB dongle working and found 3 errors, 2 for the MFM and one (P2413) for the EGR valve.
Replaced the MFM sensor with one from Master Parts (R1,500) and the engine warning light went out.
Having deleted the error codes, everything was fine.
Took it for a drive this morning, no warning lights, turned off the ignition, back on again, and the warning light comes back - again the EGR/P2413 error.
Seems that it's 'sticking' and doesn't fully close when the ignition is switched off.
Strange getting two sets of faults codes, MAF/EGR, at the same time. Perhaps the faulty MAF was causing additional 'gunk' in the inlet cylinder with wrong fuel/air/exhaust ratio.
I had cleaned the inlet/EGR etc about 4 years back (not a pleasant job). Haven't done more than 30,000 K since then I think.
Will pull the EGR control apart and see what I find.

Note: I replaced a 'no name brand' (Pajero was purchased second hand) MFM with the same one I have now purchased, Bremi Model 30091, around 2017/2018. This sensor is supposed to be for 2010 Pajero diesel onwards.
I checked at the time that I purchased the first one, directly with Bremi themselves, and they said it was suitable for my 2008 Pajero also.

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