Forum Terms of Membership (Updated 29/07/2010)

Please read this section first if you are a new member
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Forum Terms of Membership (Updated 29/07/2010)

Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:06 am

The Spirit of the Forum

This is a publicly accessible forum intended for owners and enthusiasts of the Mitsubishi Pajero (Shogun or Montero in other regions). As such, information is shared between members in a spirit of mutual respect, and common courtesy.

  • The spirit of the forum should be adhered to at all times.
    Always aim to maintain a positive spirit
    The owners, administrators and moderators do not warrant the accuracy of information provided on this site. Information is disseminated freely amongst members based on personal experiences and opinions. These opinions are not necessarily those of the administrators and/or moderators. Readers should bear this in mind before relying on any information gained from this site.
    The written medium is open to misrepresentation and misinterpretation. Consider that your post conveys your intended meaning before submitting. When reading posts, consider the intended meaning might not be your interpretation.
    The internet is largely an anonymous medium. However we discourage anonymity, so let everyone us know who you are and what makes you get up in the morning.
    We encourage international participation. The primary language of this forum therefore is English.

Usernames of a political, racial, or religious nature are prohibited and registrations will be refused.

Posts are to be supplied with appropriate and descriptive titles and are to be posted in the appropriate forum area.
Off topic posts are only allowed "Around the Campfire". Jokes are to be kept to a minimum. The other areas will be strictly moderated.
Always use the search facility before posting questions - chances are the question has been asked (and answered) before.
You agree that your posts, photographs, signature, avatar and profile shall be free of:
  • Swearing and/or profanity.
    Any content of a sexual nature, whether you believe it to be appropriate or not.
    Any racism, cultural and religious commentary (or any associated symbolism)
    Any political commentary.
    Any inflammatory, abusive and derogatory remarks against members or outside parties.
    Any copyrighted material, unless you own said copyright or have consent of the copyright owner
All material which is copyright free as per above, and which is not your own, shall be acknowledged where possible, and shall include the source.

There shall be no brand bashing.
There shall be no spamming, bulk PM's or other forms of mass communication.
There shall be no pyramid schemes and chain letters.
There shall be no solicitation of funds from members for charity without authorization from the administrators

You acknowledge that images taken by you and posted here shall be freely used for the purposes of marketing and publicity of the club. Copyright is maintained by you and you will be acknowledged.

Commercial postings

Usernames indicating names of companies are prohibited unless authorized by the administrators.
This forum shall be free of any commercial postings without the consent of the administrator. Commercial postings are deemed to be those in which you highlight, discuss and/or describe products and/or services in which you (or your associates) have a financial and commercial interest.
In the same way your signature and avatar will be free of commercial content.

The Administrators/Moderators

This forum is managed by the administrators and moderators. To this end their function is to:
  • Delete posts or entire topics which contravene the spirit and the Terms of Use of the forum
    Remove off-topic posts, or move posts or topics to more appropriate areas
    Split topics
    Lock topics
    Request members either in public or in private to edit or delete contributed content partially or completely.
    Apply warnings and/or terminate membership for failing adhere to the spirit of the forum, it's Terms of Use, and its Code of Conduct. Acts of moderation will be explained to members in public or in private.
    The decisions of the administrators and moderators are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Simon Bloomer

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