"Rocking" an automatic Pajero

Got stuck? How to get unstuck. How to use your Pajero.

"Rocking" an automatic Pajero

Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:27 pm

Good day all. I have recently aquired a gen 4 Pajero :D needless to say its an auto. Iv driven many maunal vehicles off road and one technique thats always been of exceptional use and importance to me was "rocking" where its in first or reverse and slowly releasing the clutch and pushing it back in creating a rocking motion compacting the sand/ mud etc and building a nice exit angle all from the comfort of the drivers seat. Is there any way to achieve the same motion from the auto with out switchimg from D to R (which iv read wrecks the gearbox). Any advice would be greatly appeciated and any other tips to help me transition from manual to auto.


Re: "Rocking" an automatic Pajero

Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:39 am

Good question.
I have only once used that technique to get out and it was in a manual Colt bakkie (many moons ago).

I'm not convinced that you will be doing any damage to the autobox by manipulating it in the same way. You must also remember that the auto feeds the power to the wheels in a very "soft" way (through the open torque converter), so one is less inclined to dig in. Keep in mind that the Pajero has the option where you can select 2nd gear (in tiptronic mode) while stationary. I found that L4 and 2nd gear pull-off, with hardly any push with your right-foot, just idles the car out of the hole.

Even better advice: don't dig a hole in the first place

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


Re: "Rocking" an automatic Pajero

Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:15 pm

Thanx Roelf will definitely try the 2nd gear trick. Now to find some mud and DIG MYSELF IN :lol:

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