Recurring electric issues


Recurring electric issues

Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:39 pm

Hi all,
The vehicle in question is a 1997 V6 3500 LWB.
Purchased about a year ago and had some work done on it including a replacement engine. Fitted new battery this year.

From early on the spotlights stopped working soon after being fixed. From what I understand from autolecs it seem to blow fuses and relays. Work was done twice this year so far on the wiring and spotlights worked a few weeks longer than before. Stopped working again last week.

The previous time this happened the battery light came on, my radio seemed to loose stations and the clock time jumped back to zero. Work was done on regulator and spotlights and all was fine.
Last week it started with the engine light and battery light coming on, spotlights blew and few days after that the radio went off and came on by itself and clock lost time again. Central locking stopped working but was back again the next morning. Yes, I know, it sounds like I bought a project :lol:

My thinking now is get an autolec that knows their stuff who can find shorts and faults etc. Or is there a better place to start?

Any advice or experience with this please do tell.


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