Clyclic revs on acceleration

Country: South Africa
Vehicle: 2008 3.2 Did GLS LBW
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 9:19 am

Re: Clyclic revs on acceleration

Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:23 pm

Hi Tony,

Did replacing the SCV solve your problem of the cyclic revs on acceleration? I have been experiencing the same on my 2008 GLS Auto with 177k km on the clock.


Tony M
Country: South Africa
Vehicle: 2008 Pajero GLS LWB
Location: Cape Town
Posts: 60
Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:06 pm

Re: Clyclic revs on acceleration

Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:50 pm

Hi Wouter,

Nope, my problem wasn't SCV related. I had it replaced almost exactly a year ago and noticed no change.
I think it might be different from the OP's problem though as it's a faint 'throbbing' sound that's only audible when driving on smooth tarmac.
Mitsu (after replacing the SCV) say they think it's a 'chassis resonance' - and maybe they're correct from that viewpoint.
I've found one area where a resonance might be coming through to the chassis (left rear) - obviously previous owner hit a rock somewhere:
Left rear lower suspension arm_.jpg
Will get it repaired some time when I can find someone who can bend the bracket back (tried a 10 lb hammer but it wouldn't budge).

Had the vehicle serviced on Thursday and replaced the standard Mitsu engine oil (Castrol) with Shell Helix HX7 10W/40 (purchased myself) and had them replace the 'spider' on the front drive shaft (although had been told it was OK).
I only do around 10 KKm a year so service is 'annual'. - which is why I used a 'part synthetic' lubricant (they deteriorate more slowly)
Service took 2 days because getting the old 'spider' out was a mission I'm told. Some of the cups were pretty much 'welded' into the bracket.
Early days (± 50 Km) and I don't want to get ahead of myself on this but:
1) Engine is now much quieter than previously (maybe half as noisy).
2) I haven't noticed the 'cyclic reviving yet - but it's not always evident as previously mentioned.

Will be interesting to see:
1) If the engine gets noisier with time (as the engine oil deteriorates) or stays constant
2) The 'resonance/throbbing' reappears.

Some have said the 'throbbing' could be the tyres (although they've been rotated, balanced, alignment done at least 3 times etc).
Tyres will also be replaced this coming year (General Grabbers) - probably with Conti Cross Contact because the majority of my travelling is on the black stuff, I want softer side-walls to improve comfort levels - and I like the look of the tread pattern :-)


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