Ironman coils or air suspension for PS

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Ironman coils or air suspension for PS

Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:02 am


My Pajero Sport 2010 is soft at the back. When I load it to go and camp it sags a lot. Now I don't know how much its supposed to sag, I only have my PS for a few months. However, I do have a feeling that the coils are moeg.

I thought that my coils are a bit done. So I got a quote for Ironman rear coils. But I also have the idea to add air suspension at the back with current coils.

Which must I go for? I am scared I go for the new coils then its still too soft.

The air suspension is R1600 more than the coils.

Or do I buy new coils AND air suspension?


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Re: Ironman coils or air suspension for PS

Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:18 pm

Hey Derek - at the end of the day it comes down to personal needs. The bags do add complexity and reliability that you have to take into consideration.

PS I do have rear iron man coils I took off my sport not too long ago and are looking for a good home if you interested.

What you have too be aware of is that the coils are increased length as standard iron man circa 40 mm so will increase height at back if you don’t install front coils

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