Good day All,
I read and learnt a lot on this forum since joining 2 weeks ago. Now its time for my 1st post.
We recently got a 2004 gen3 SWB that we are busy sorting all niggles it picked up over its 20 year life time.
One issue we're struggling with is this error displayed on the info screen. "Malfunction of system com. error."
All other info, (consumption, clock, compass) is there but the error displays over it.
Trying to find a solution, everything points to connector and wiring issues on the m-bus connection between the rv display and the audio unit.
Error message: Malfunction of system com. error.
Cause: Displayed when the M-BUS communication error continues for 30 seconds.
The radio and CD player operation screen will be frozen if the RV meter have received abnormal data from the radio and CD player and via M-bus communication.
Action: Perform the Inspection procedure 8 "The radio and CD player information is not displayed normal." of the troubleshooting.
This is in short checking the connector, checking the harness and resetting the system.
The original radio was however replaced by the previous owner and there is no m-bus to the display.
None of the posts and videos we found on replacing the radio have reference to anything that needs to be done when the new unit does not have an interface to the display, letting me to assume "no m-bus connection = no display" but we have the error message.
Somewhere it was mentioned that the audio system info can be disabled on the display screen, but I can't find any info on how to do it.
Does anybody have any idea how to resolve this issue?
Malfunction of system com. error.
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