Electric Windows on Gen3 Time-delay Problem


Electric Windows on Gen3 Time-delay Problem

Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:46 am

My Gen 3's windows works if the vehicle is switched "On" fully, ie when the car is started or the dashboard lights are all "on".

When I turn my Ignition switch to "Off", the Windows won't work. No 30-Second working time after key is switched off and/or removed from ignition.

My 2003 DiD had this function, plus my Dad's 2006 DiD has it. According to the Car's Manual, this should work on mine. The Haynes manual's schematic diagrams doesn't give enough info. I have swopped 2 relays between my Dad's and mine to no avail.

Anybody with advice :ugeek: ? Or maybe a more elaborate schematic. :geek:
Last edited by Aquilla on Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Vehicle: 2004 Pajero 3.2 DID SWB
Location: Gauteng
Posts: 276
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Re: Electric Windows on Gen3

Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:35 pm

Aquilla wrote:
My Gen 3's windows only works if the vehicle is switched "On" fully, ie when the car is started or the dashboard lights are all "on".
That is the same as my 2004 and onother 2005 model of a friend of mine. If you do find an answer to this I will be very interested as it really is frustrating at times.
Willie from Jo'burg
White Gen 3 SWB Pajero 3.2 DID

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