Error code 41 - Gen 3 3.2 D engine light showing

Country: South AFrica
Vehicle: 2005 LWB Pajero 3.2 diesel
Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:09 pm

Error code 41 - Gen 3 3.2 D engine light showing

Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:12 pm

After driving awhile my engine light comes on. If I stop and switch off and on again, the engine light disappears, but again after driving awhile it comes on.
Looking at the technical manual, it appears that error code 41 is "Main throttle solenoid valve system", but this has just been replaced!
Looking further into various articles on the forum I came across error code 41 as possibly being something to do with the fuel injectors, so I am thoroughly confused!
Can anyone help? Why should the engine light come on, and has it got anything to do with the fuel injectors?


Re: Error code 41 - Gen 3 3.2 D engine light showing

Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:52 am

Hi, from manila philippines. got the problem on my pajero 3.2 di., have you resolved the issue. Will appreciate your reply.

Re: Error code 41 - Gen 3 3.2 D engine light showing

Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:50 am

Hi, from manila philippines. got the problem on my pajero 3.2 di., have you resolved the issue. Will appreciate your reply.

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