Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Tony M
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Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:54 am

There's a plethora of Android software for monitoring the OBDII readings on vehicles via an ELM module.
Are there any that can measure the timing advance/retard on a Pajero 2008 4M41 diesel engine?
My 'Car Scanner Pro' set up for the 3.2 DiD engine has a PID for it and also the Torque Lite.
However both give a constant reading of '0' so I assume they are intended for the petrol models? :?
There's no CEL but I've read that some sensors (like crankshaft) can start failing before they raise a CEL.
I have a problem which I've pinned down ( :?: ) to either injectors or sensors but to discount the later I need to ensure the timing is OK first.


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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:09 pm


injector rattle?

Most of those are usually SQL values or tappet clearances.
Tony M
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:41 pm

Hi 4ePikannini,
Thanks for your reply.
I had the SCV replaced (as suggested by agents) to fix a problem (throbbing at ±100 Km/Hr) back in December - which it didn't fix - now been there for 4 years I've had the vehicle.
Soon after the 'rattle' started when cold - sudden increase in 'rattle' under acceleration when cold (noise rises exponentially but stops once acceleration is stopped) after driving about 1 Km.
Suddenly sounds like someone left a spanner in the engine - my BIL almost jumped out of his seat when it happened with him in the passenger's seat a few weeks ago.
Doesn't appear to be there when warmed up.
Dealers then suggested checking the valve clearance (replaced top chain guide at same time) - to no avail.
BTW, the said the chain was 'fine' but I replaced the tensioner myself just in case.
Problem is the dealers can't 'hear it' - they had it for 3 days last month (plus twice prior) so they could 'run cold' - but passengers can....
So I think it's either 'pre-ignition' or dirty injectors.
Used 'injector cleaner' (Mitsu) first time (2nd hand car) before Christmas because I hadn't done previously- put in another dose - 2 cans in a full tank - just before SCV done - and dealers also added 1 can after SCV replacement...
Have been using Liquid Moly 'Dual Rail' for the last couple months but hasn't helped.
Anyway, been cleaning the electrical connection plugs hoping that might help as I believe a failing crank shaft sensor (or 'dirty' wiring) can produce similar problems.
Tried to disconnect the crank sensor plug this a.m. - removed fan cowling and fan blade - but difficult to get a grip as it's in such a difficult position to grab and release the little locking lever. :(

Not sure what 'SQL' valves are?

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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:35 pm

I do not penetrate technically as you guys but I think I mention it:
When I took delivery of my pre-loved 3.2 D-ID LWB (2007) with 230.000 km 4 months ago it sounded worse than a stuffed up truck engine but was driving fine and when warm the noise became bearable but not quite right.
I had a total fuel system cleaning procedure done with a Wynn machine.
The machine is connected direct into to the fuel system and a special cleaner(WYNN) is injected . The engine is running all the time. During the first 15 minutes a foul smelling smoke was produced which later diminished.
The whole cycle lasts about 45 minutes.
And -- absolutely miraculously the engine was purring like a content cat afterwards.
I heard later that the previous lover used 500 ppm on occasion.
Maybe it is worth a try, it takes care of pump, injectors and also any residue in supply pipes. Cost:
Approx. R 750,- plus the WYNN cleaning mixture.
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:48 am

Tony M wrote:
Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:41 pm
Hi 4ePikannini,
Thanks for your reply.
I had the SCV replaced (as suggested by agents) to fix a problem (throbbing at ±100 Km/Hr) back in December - which it didn't fix - now been there for 4 years I've had the vehicle.
Soon after the 'rattle' started when cold - sudden increase in 'rattle' under acceleration when cold (noise rises exponentially but stops once acceleration is stopped) after driving about 1 Km.
Suddenly sounds like someone left a spanner in the engine - my BIL almost jumped out of his seat when it happened with him in the passenger's seat a few weeks ago.
Doesn't appear to be there when warmed up.
Dealers then suggested checking the valve clearance (replaced top chain guide at same time) - to no avail.
BTW, the said the chain was 'fine' but I replaced the tensioner myself just in case.
Problem is the dealers can't 'hear it' - they had it for 3 days last month (plus twice prior) so they could 'run cold' - but passengers can....
So I think it's either 'pre-ignition' or dirty injectors.
Used 'injector cleaner' (Mitsu) first time (2nd hand car) before Christmas because I hadn't done previously- put in another dose - 2 cans in a full tank - just before SCV done - and dealers also added 1 can after SCV replacement...
Have been using Liquid Moly 'Dual Rail' for the last couple months but hasn't helped.
Anyway, been cleaning the electrical connection plugs hoping that might help as I believe a failing crank shaft sensor (or 'dirty' wiring) can produce similar problems.
Tried to disconnect the crank sensor plug this a.m. - removed fan cowling and fan blade - but difficult to get a grip as it's in such a difficult position to grab and release the little locking lever. :(

Not sure what 'SQL' valves are?

There is also a earth (engine to firewall) on the passenger side which sometime resonates sound in a bad way. Perhaps try to move the earth over to the driver side.
Tony M
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:38 am

OBELIX123 wrote:
Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:35 pm
I do not penetrate technically as you guys but I think I mention it:
When I took delivery of my pre-loved 3.2 D-ID LWB (2007) with 230.000 km 4 months ago it sounded worse than a stuffed up truck engine but was driving fine and when warm the noise became bearable but not quite right.
I had a total fuel system cleaning procedure done with a Wynn machine.
The machine is connected direct into to the fuel system and a special cleaner(WYNN) is injected . The engine is running all the time. During the first 15 minutes a foul smelling smoke was produced which later diminished.
The whole cycle lasts about 45 minutes.
And -- absolutely miraculously the engine was purring like a content cat afterwards.
I heard later that the previous lover used 500 ppm on occasion.
Maybe it is worth a try, it takes care of pump, injectors and also any residue in supply pipes. Cost:
Approx. R 750,- plus the WYNN cleaning mixture.
Thanks for the info Obelix.
Did a quick web search but it seems this Wynn cleaning machine can be found in only a few locations in SA - but none in Cape Town that I could see :-(
Tony M
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:43 am

4ePikanini wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:48 am

There is also a earth (engine to firewall) on the passenger side which sometime resonates sound in a bad way. Perhaps try to move the earth over to the driver side.
Thanks for the info. I'll check on that cable this morning and see what I can find.
Be great if that's the only problem.
Have been checking engine components (aircon, generator etc) for 'secureness' but not the earth cables.
(BTW, have left the (heavy 3rd party) bash plates off to remove that possibility)
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:50 am

Tony M wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:38 am
OBELIX123 wrote:
Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:35 pm
I do not penetrate technically as you guys but I think I mention it:
When I took delivery of my pre-loved 3.2 D-ID LWB (2007) with 230.000 km 4 months ago it sounded worse than a stuffed up truck engine but was driving fine and when warm the noise became bearable but not quite right.
I had a total fuel system cleaning procedure done with a Wynn machine.
The machine is connected direct into to the fuel system and a special cleaner(WYNN) is injected . The engine is running all the time. During the first 15 minutes a foul smelling smoke was produced which later diminished.
The whole cycle lasts about 45 minutes.
And -- absolutely miraculously the engine was purring like a content cat afterwards.
I heard later that the previous lover used 500 ppm on occasion.
Maybe it is worth a try, it takes care of pump, injectors and also any residue in supply pipes. Cost:
Approx. R 750,- plus the WYNN cleaning mixture.
Thanks for the info Obelix.
Did a quick web search but it seems this Wynn cleaning machine can be found in only a few locations in SA - but none in Cape Town that I could see :-(
Where can I get this product on the KZN South Coast area..
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:08 am

Pity, you don't have one in the Cape Town area.
The product to use in the Wynn cleaning machine is supposed to be used direct within the machine, no dilution with 20 or 30 or 40 l Diesel. I think the machine has a small Diesel reservoir to mix but I do not know the ratio.That is why I think that this stuff might not be available in the retail sector.
I was so totally amazed with the results with my Pajero that I suggest you contact Wynn in SA and enquire about possible alternatives with regard to cleaning the fuel system.
Good luck and I wish that you have your motor purring like mine......Really amazing in my case..
Tony M
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Re: Reading Timing Advance on 2008 Gen 4 Pajero 4m41 Diesel

Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:29 pm

Thanks Obelix,
Yes, a real pity. I have seen one in Nelspruit.
Where did you have yours done?

Otherwise I'll ask Wynns about the closest possible one.

In the meantime I've brought some Wynns 'Diesel injector and Turbo cleaner' to try (have been using Liquid Moly Common Rail Cleaner.


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