Hi 4ePikannini,
Thanks for your reply.
I had the SCV replaced (as suggested by agents) to fix a problem (throbbing at ±100 Km/Hr) back in December - which it didn't fix - now been there for 4 years I've had the vehicle.
Soon after the 'rattle' started when cold - sudden increase in 'rattle' under acceleration when cold (noise rises exponentially but stops once acceleration is stopped) after driving about 1 Km.
Suddenly sounds like someone left a spanner in the engine - my BIL almost jumped out of his seat when it happened with him in the passenger's seat a few weeks ago.
Doesn't appear to be there when warmed up.
Dealers then suggested checking the valve clearance (replaced top chain guide at same time) - to no avail.
BTW, the said the chain was 'fine' but I replaced the tensioner myself just in case.
Problem is the dealers can't 'hear it' - they had it for 3 days last month (plus twice prior) so they could 'run cold' - but passengers can....
So I think it's either 'pre-ignition' or dirty injectors.
Used 'injector cleaner' (Mitsu) first time (2nd hand car) before Christmas because I hadn't done previously- put in another dose - 2 cans in a full tank - just before SCV done - and dealers also added 1 can after SCV replacement...
Have been using Liquid Moly 'Dual Rail' for the last couple months but hasn't helped.
Anyway, been cleaning the electrical connection plugs hoping that might help as I believe a failing crank shaft sensor (or 'dirty' wiring) can produce similar problems.
Tried to disconnect the crank sensor plug this a.m. - removed fan cowling and fan blade - but difficult to get a grip as it's in such a difficult position to grab and release the little locking lever.
Not sure what 'SQL' valves are?