No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

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No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 11:46 am

Further to my post 26. Nov. this problem reared its head again during a trip to Kruger.
Just before Milly's the rpm stopped at 3000 and the engine did not pick up revs...when accelerating just a puff of blue smoke out of the exhaust. , thereafter normal again.
Managed to get Mechanic from Machadodorp out to Milly's and he checked everything he could on the parking lot . Engine revs freely on start and stop and start again. No further problems on way to Kruger and back home to Jo'burg yesterday.
Mechanic was quite sure and was talking about an "engine remap". Does this require a new Engine Management/ Control Module or is it a re-programming exercise ?
I have a UNI Q ship fitted + NO Cat anymore + free flow Exhaust (all from previous owner).
Has the chip maybe to do with the problem ?
I also have a high fuel consumption 13-14 l / 100 in town and 11.8 to 13 / 100 on open road and sticking to speed limit. That was also one of the reasons the Mechanic thought it was the "engine control unit".
Can someone please advise whether re-mapping or replacement of module ?
NB the Turbo is fine......

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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:05 pm

Have you removed the chip yet?
- Kurt
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:27 pm

Have you checked your MAF and MAP sensors?

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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:59 pm

Hi Guys
I am 76 years old and love my Pajero but do not have knowledge in so much detail as you guys.
I have no space nor tools nor the intimate knowledge about the inner workings of the engine/drivetrain etc. and depend on info from you, other service companies and/or the advice from my service guy in Honeydew.
I would not know where the MAF or MAP sits and how to check it, I just do not have the detailed knowledge and experience . All I want to establish is what is wrong and have it fixed but not neccessary by a Mitsubishi dealer (costs).
So, I am glad for every little info I can gather to help me establish the cause of the problem and then look for a suitable independent workshop, if my service guy cant help me.
That is the truth and nothing but the truth and I wont be disappointed if you would be unable to assist with information considering the scope of of possible causes.
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:01 pm

Hi Obelix,

I’m also not an expert but have figured a few things out from this and other forums.

The MAF and MAP sensors are pretty easy checks/fixes so are probably worth asking a mechanic to check them before you start doing any major work.

They also may not be your issue but it’s worth checking them anyway.

Good luck.

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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:39 pm

The MAF sensor is on top of the air inlet pipe near the air filter, it looks like this picture. Just get some electronic connector cleaner spray from Midas and give it a good clean with a generous few sprays (don’t touch the sensor).

- Kurt
2014 Pajero SWB 3.2 GLS | EFS Suspension | Stofpad Bashplates
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:33 pm

Thanks a lot Kurt and dwinter. Some more I have learned......If I die I am going to take an awful lot of info with me.....but they don't drive Pajeros in heaven, I tthink....
I certainly will get the spray and will take it from there .
My main worry at this point is the "Engine Management Module" (if it indeed exists as a complete unit ?). Would that be repairable or must it be replaced as a complete unit ?
However I was thinking that if this module would be faulty some light in the instrument panel would show and a recent computer check at my service station also showed ZERO errors.
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:48 pm

To return to my earlier post, I took a closer look (or lend a sharper ear) in my garage while engine running and noticed the following: There was an unmistakenly whistling/hissing noise coming from the intercooler on the left side (I had the wheels turned opposite) and while my wife gave gas the whistling/hissing became louder.
I think that there is a leak on the intercooler self or pipe connections are leaking.
A leak means less cool air to the turbo, means less power (which I have as well compared to my old SWB Gen3) and could also mean that the engine control management is affected ????
Could it be ????
Next week when the country has woken up I will tackle /investiga this problem further.
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:43 am

HI Obelix
I had the same problem, found the hole in the intercooler, patched it with prattley putty and problem solved. Usually you have to change the intercooler as it is difficult to find and patch the hole, I was lucky.
If the power is still down after fixing intercooler and after cleaning the sensors, then you have to let your mechanic look at the intake manifold, it might be clogged up with sooth.
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Re: No acceleration 3.2 DID Gen4 Automatic

Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:42 am

Thanks for the tip. We put the Pajero on the lift , removed the bash plates and saw thatv the intercooler had a bang from the bottom (must have happened before the bash plates were fitted by the previous owner) and the last 2 or 43 rows of fins were severly squashed at the impact point and did develop a leak.While awaiting the new intercooler the workshop just bridged the inlet and outlet pipes with a piece of tube....and even I drive carefully until i have the new intercooler I noticed a HUGE difference while accelerating and automatic up-and downshifts. as well as a reduced fuel consumption.
While looking , we also noticed that the rubber shoes on the steering links were damaged and need replacing.
So, it seems my problem which was intermittent was caused by a leaking intercooler, thus robbing the turbo of adequate boost.
One never does stop learning.......
Thanks a ton for the comments.

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