Gen 3 engine problems

Country: Zimbabwe
Vehicle: Pajero
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:09 pm

Gen 3 engine problems

Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:22 am

I had a mechanic do the 100K service on my pajero which prior was running beautifully. After driving it i realised the timing was out. He told me it was a tensioner on the timing belt that had gone and that put the timing out. He basically just messed me around so i ended up taking it to another mechanic. The second mechanic fixed the timing and the tensioner and the vehicle is running much better than it was. The issue now is that the engine light is on, it will go off periodically then come on again. It also misses on low revs when taking off. The second mechanic tell me that i need to change the two oxygen sensors now particularly sensor number 1. I am completely in the dark in this. The new sensors are around US$1500 which is not something i want to spend without being sure. Does anyone have any ideas?

Country: SA
Vehicle: 2004 3.8V6 SWB
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:20 pm

Re: Gen 3 engine problems

Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:46 am

Hello Zimpajero

Have a 2005 3.8 V6 Gen 3 Pajero and have also just done a timing belt, tensioner and pulley.I have no engine light at a all.

Was the vehicle scanned with decent diagnostics? Try to get it scanned to diagnose the cause of the engine light. Bad O2 sensors should also cause bad fuel consumption and rough idle. If it is bad O2 sensors then try cleaning them before replacing them. Just put them in petrol overnight and clean lightly with a soft brush. I did this in my be Mercedes and it worked perfectly.

I would first get the vehicle scanned and then check again that timing is correct before cleaning or replacing O2 sensors. I have never had to replace my O2 sensors and I have done 270 000km.


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